Gotta love…recovery.
I think one of the best things about running a summer camp for my kids is that things can change at a moment's notice…and turned into the most awesome learning experiences imaginable.
Yesterday…was definitely one of those days.
You see, MamaBear woke up to see HS1 and HS2 totally ignored their responsibilities, and yet again, left their office a mess before going to bed.
Thrilled beyond belief…I was *not*.
So! I woke up them up at 6am, pointed out the error of their ways, and told them to:
- Write 200 times, "I will keep my office neat"
- Clean their office (and they would be banned from it as well)
- Clean their bedroom
And….that they wouldn't go to the town Rec camp until it was *all* done.
Here's the incredible part:
They handled their consequences beautifully.
No whining, no complaining…they…just…did it.
Incredible; they completed everything 8 minutes before Rec camp began.
And HD1…
Well, we had a pretty intensive discussion about college, responsibilities, the fact that while other parents might be lenient, that's not me, and the like.
I was also quite blessed in that I had a chat with one of my best friends, who explained to me what I already knew…but what I needed to hear again. And that is:
Teens need to experience life themselves to learn it.
ie, I *cannot* force wisdom.
The good news is that communications were completely open…and both of us rose the occasion as parent and child.
Humbling, that is, let me tell you.
Me, well, I spent most of yesterday running all around creation for friends and family, and so….HD2 and I never did get to the gym.
We'll rectify that today. 🙂
Speaking of which, today shall be everything we were supposed to do yesterday!
Which is also kinda sorta a lie, because after Rec camp, I'm taking HS1 and HS2 and their friend to roller skating.
Perhaps they can mathize and writize when they get back! 🙂
But…the very best part of yesterday was realizing the following (which I have taught to HD1 and HD2).
It costs nothing but a wee bit of effort to go out of your way for friends…but the benefits can last for years.
I was inspired to start a new project called "The Hero Within" (I'll be blogging about it soon) and hopefully…it will touch the spirit of some pretty important folk.
With that, it's time to start the day!
Parent powerfully,
— MamaBear