Immediately Protect Your Teen Children By Bursting The Dangerous Internet Filter Bubble
<yawn><stretch><growl> Well hello there! You caught Mama Bear after she's been awake now since 4am, powerfully hacking up her site to add ever more goodies for you. Today, for example, I just finished adding a new tasty Fitness Store – do feel free to check it out whenever you'd like! But that's not the topic […]
Math Stories Rock or Making Your Child Love Math
Y'know, one of the very best skills any child can possess these days is math. And MamaBear ain't just talking 'bout memorizing rote mathematics! Heck, that's sheer memory power and, while very good to internalize, doesn't begin to touch upon the *real* benefit to mathematics. And that is… Turning real-life stories into useful math. What […]