
“Where can I find summer camps directories online?”

From the mailbag:

"Dear Mama Bear,

Summer is coming and I don't know what to do with my children!

Is there any one-stop place where I can find all camps available?

Thank you,

Mark in Arizona"

Dear MiA,

Oh gosh, don't mention summer camps to MamaBear…

Oh no, you did!  You did!  ARGH!  🙂

See, MamaBear, being, well, *MamaBear*, runs her own summer camp for her kids entitled Camp Ling.

I kid you not.

I even wrote a Squidoo page about it.

Of course I have a life, why do you ask?  🙂

But seriously, if you're looking for summer camps, you can check out:

I know, I know, be still my beating heart.  🙂

You can also visit Google Maps, set your location to be your zip code, and search for (wait for it)

  • summer camp

Yes, the technology makes MamaBear weep tears of joy too.  🙂

Another way to find camps online is to scour your local newspaper!  Those can be found at

Local newspapers generally do a pull-out section on summer camps.

Hope that helps!

Parent powerfully,

— MamaBear

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