Are you complacent in your business and marketing?
Have you been considering learning something new for your business….but just don't have the courage or energy?…
Parent powerfully,
— MamaBear
Success Tactics of the Mama Bear Mother by Barbara Ling
Powerful Parenting!
Here's today's posts…enjoy!
Unless you've been hibernating under a mushroom for the past few months, you're probably aware that iPads are rather, ahem, popular. And if you're into affiliate marketing, wouldn't it be nifty to craft a site specifically for iPads? 'Course it would! And here are some ways to make money with them. 1.) eBay iPad sales! […]
Yesterday, I wrote a bit about business domains. But…there's one more domain you should consider right away! And that's your own personal name domain, like http://www.BarbaraLing.com http://www.BillVick.com http://www.BobbyFrank.net http://www.NancyWeaver.name http://www.MamaBear.me (okay, that last one wasn't quite a personal name, but hey. It's my alter-ego. ) The plain fact is…as you continue to grow and […]
Think outside the box. Grow strong, Barbara Ling
Are you complacent in your business and marketing?
Have you been considering learning something new for your business….but just don't have the courage or energy?…
Parent powerfully,
— MamaBear
ps – speaking about entrepreneuring, have you seen these cost-conscious eBay goodies: