
ABCs: Easily Set Up Your Parenting Facebook Fan Page Vanity URL

Lookie to the right at a screenshot of me Facebook Fan Page!


Do you have a parenting fan page on Facebook??????

If so….


Visit *this* link.



Select your Fan page name.

Does it say….

Your Fan Page Name is not eligible for a username at this time. In the future, Your Fan Page Name will be able to set a username.

If so, right now, alas…you're hosed and probably have less than 25 fans.

But!  If you have *more* than 25 fans, you can set your own Facebook Fan Page Vanity URL!

MamaBear just flew to that milestone 4 minutes ago.  Previously, my Fan Page URL was:


But now…it's:


Let me know ask you…

  • What's easier to remember?
  • What's easier to type?
  • What looks nifty and neato and really really cool?

Methinks theFacebook Fan Page vanity URL by a longshot!

So….if you have your own Facebook Fan page and have more than 25 folk, why not do yourself a favor and set up your free Facebook Fan Page Vanity URL?

It can only help your promotion.

Parent well,


ps – want some other techniques for promoting your Facebook Fan page?  Click below and check out

Facebook Fanpage Blueprint

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