As in,
MamaBear has awakened!
And as is her habit, after brewing up 94 cups of coffee, she started reviewing the latest on her Facebook Fanpage, the Success Tactics of the MamaBear Mother.
And what did she find out?
HeavenlyMommy from, well, Heavenly Mommy, is having a Facebook Fanpage Likey thingee!
You can read more over at
The premise is quite neat, actually…if you own a Facebook Fan Page, you can join to have other people learn more and like you too!
Here's the currently Facebook FanPage Like You Back:
It's really quite a nifty way to find other parenting pages and start to build up our own networking.
I joined, why not you?
Now time to get coffee number #95…. 🙂
Parent Powerfully,
— MamaBear