Join IN the Facebook Fanpage Love from HeavenlyMommy!
Yaaaawwwwnnnnn. As in, *YAAAWWNNNN* MamaBear has awakened! And as is her habit, after brewing up 94 cups of coffee, she started reviewing the latest on her Facebook Fanpage, the Success Tactics of the MamaBear Mother. And what did she find out? HeavenlyMommy from, well, Heavenly Mommy, is having a Facebook Fanpage Likey thingee! You can […]
RANT – Women ARE Part of Memorial Day Too, Dammit!
It's time for the sometimes weekly, sometimes daily, sometimes every few seconds…new exciting category of Mama Bear Rants! Ready? I must caution you, however, MamaBear plans on using some mighty strong language like "Swell!" and "So's your old man!" in this post (points go to whomever can rattle off both the beloved song and the […]
When BLATANT Bribery Works As An Awesome Parenting Tool
My gosh, is it the morning already? MamaBear has awakened, poked her nose out of her lair and decided that a 3-year long winter sleep would be most beneficial indeed! Alas, as she has to rouse her cubs to school and continue with her writing and blogging…the chances of that happening are less than 3 […]
3 Can’t Fail Techniques to Compel Your Children To Actually UNDERSTAND One Another
It's the Memorial Day weekend! And that means it's time for yet another episode of that exciting show, "How can we misunderstand and unfairly take offense at our siblings today?" Yes indeed, while other families are enjoying exciting BBQs outside and opening their pools, MamaBear's cubs realized they could either get along and play nicely, […]
Hell Froze Over And Incredible Kid Compassion Emerged
Well now, today has been most character-building to the extreme for MamaBear. Suffice it to say, our house is not exactly the neatest on the block. 'Matter of fact, I'd say that along with missing the gene for idjutness, our family was born starkly minus the Clean Gene. Normally, this doesn't bother me much; whenever […]
One Blindingly Simple Way To Help Instill Rock-Solid Self-Confidence In Your Kids
If there's one thing MamaBear learned from her hell of being bullied as a child, it's that inner self-confidence can bravely help fend off any feelings of ickness. 'course, she discovered *that* gem in her late 20s/early 30s, so go figure. 🙂 Be that as it may, when MamaBear decided that creating Magnificent Ling Cubs […]
Unexpected things like THIS make parenting glorious
I hope you're sitting down for this… MamaBear, for once in her venerable life…was knocked speechless. As in, MamaBear just sat and stared dumbly at the text that was beaming into her soul from her Verizon phone. It's all good mind you! Let me first give you some background… I'm part of a family with […]
When the SH*T hits YOUR Hairbrush and Other Parenting Insanities
It was an adventure like no other, y'know? Sigh…. Yes indeed, Mama Bear was happily ensconced in her bathroom, pulling on her karate gi and otherwise making sure her outwards persona didn't frighten small impressionable children (immediately, that is). Life was joyous! Glorious! All that remained was that MamaBear had to brush out her long […]
Glorious Freebie – Exciting Common Latin Roots Wall Posters
Morning! Okay, actually….good morning. Well, it would be good, really, once I have all of my coffee infused within my operating system, that is. But I digress. 🙂 Over the past decade or so, I've designed nifty neato learning goodies for the Mama Bear cubs that have really been quite the benefit! And it occurred […]