Smart Mommy, Daddy & Parent Bloggers, Kids … and Google Circles
Brief, pithy and to the point…. Have you heard of Google Circles? It's Google's attempt social networking to kill off Facebook, and from what MamaBear has seen…it sure will give them a run for their money! I wrote an indepth article about it over at my business blog, 17 Awesome Quick Simple How-To Resources and […]
Fixing Your Drama Queen Kids When Their Self-Punishment Goes Overboard
Consequences. Annoying deserved consequences. You know, giving consequences for dippy actions is something I can completely support! For 3 out of 4 of MamaBear's kids, it works beyond perfectly. Said kid acts more idjutotic than a drunk moth testing out the heat of a nuclear flame, said kids receive appropriate consequences, and life just goes […]
The Foolproof Cure For Weak Ineffective Parenting
Good morning! Finally, after 6+ days, MamaBear is back in her lair, fresh from a roadtrip down to scenic North Carolina where she defied convention, common sense, and utterly beyond any shadow of a doubt….*rocked*. Literally, I might add. But that's a story for another post! Today, I'd like to ask you a plain and […]
RANT – Narcissistic Mom Dad Parenting Is Horribly Treacherous To Your Children
Wow. Just… Gentle reader, do you have *any* clue whatsoever how much MamaBear hates parents who crave to live through their children's accomplishments??? Well, actually, let me amend that statement. Feeling pride for a kid… Okay, that's gold. Feeling joy that your child overcame his or her limitations and proved to themselves that they were […]
5 Grammar Mistakes That Make Your Kid Sound Stupid To School Admissions
You know, if there's one thing MamaBear hates more than 97 mooses shedding their glistening white guard hairs all over her black karate pants, it's an empty coffee cup. But that's not what this post is about. Nope indeed, instead, I will regale you with what really frosts my petunias bigtime: Teens whose command of […]
REAL Girls Swing Samurai Swords
>Yawn<…..what a tremendous Father's Day yesterday! 'course, MamaBear did have one exciting adventure with HD1 prior to the gala event. And that was…. Japanese Sword Sunrise Beach Training! Indeed, HD1 has been learning swords now at our dojo for the past 2 years. And during the summer, ideally…we always have at least one sunrise beach […]
The Glorious 12 Days of Father’s Day!
It's one of MamaBear's Favorite Holidays! Because she realizes…. Since fatherhood is a 24 x 7 x 52 x 60 odd years job, why is there only ONE day to celebrate it? Well??? Thus, she's borrowed another holiday's favorite song and revamped it to fit The Day of Dads. Hope you enjoy! And here we […]
The most awesome example of Mother Love imaginable!
Honestly, nothing else really needs to be said….. Enjoy! What a great way to end the week! Parent powerfully, — Mama Bear
Parenting Experts Are Horribly Worthless EXCEPT when…
Admit it, you've always had this burning question blazing in your neurons when you've finally managed to get all of your cubs happily sleeping (ie, their energy level switched to the blessed "OFF" position!). I mean, let's get serious, shall we? How many parenting experts have *you* listened to? I well-remember when HD1 was just […]
How to Get Lazy Fat Overweight Kids To Exercise
Yesterday, MamaBear wrote the rather controversial post RANT – Disgustingly obese kids and their parents Part 1… and wow oh wow, her inbox was majorily unhappy indeed! Allow me too clarify my position, might I? I still do think that parents who let their children get big and fat and obese are doing a *huge* […]