Dear Mama Bear


“Teen Texting and Teen Driving”

From the mailbag: "Dear MamaBear, My teen will soon be driving.  Can you give me some tips on how to make sure she never makes the mistake of texting and driving? Thanks a lot, Jen" Dear J, Can I ever. There are two videos I always recommend to my readers: Make no mistake about it… […]

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“How can I get my kids to help around the house?”

From the mailbag: "Dear MamaBear, My kids simply refuse to do their chores. What can I do to get this fixed? Sincerely, Darryl" Dear D, Argh. MamaBear hates questions like this. It's very simple. See, being a part of your family is a privilege and has its responsibilities. And part of those responsibilities is helping […]

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“Sewing isn’t right for boys.”

From the mailbag: "Dear MamaBear, My son would like to start learning how to sew. I think that's inappropriate, but my wife thinks it's okay. Can you please tell me how I can convince her I'm right? Thanks a lot, Darren" Dear D, Sorry, no can do. Can't give you any words to convince your […]

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“Where can I find anti-bullying help?”

From the mailbag: "Dear Mama Bear, My 9 year old is getting ready for 4th grade.  She was bullied a bit in 3rd grade and worries that it will carry over to this grade. How can I help her cope? Sincerely, Frances in Delaware" Dear FiD, Your daughter is very wise to recognize that bullying […]

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“Should my kids be on Facebook?”

From the mailbag: "Dear MamaBear, My 15 year old wants a Facebook account. I don't think she should have one, I've heard about all the negatives. What do you think? Anonymous" Dear A, It all depends upon you, of course, but my take… I think your 15 year old should have a FB account with […]

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“Help! How Do I Treat Poison Ivy?”

From the mailbag: "Dear Mama Bear, I've just discovered there's a whole batch of poison ivy in the park where I take my kids. Now, they know not to pet the nice shiny leaves, but if the worst case happens….what's the best way to treat it? Thanks, Tad in Rhode Island" Dear TiRI, Ick. Poison […]

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“Where can I find reading software?”

From the mailbag: "Dear Mama Bear, I really want my 4 year old to start reading.  How can I help with that?  What softwares are available? Anonymous" Dear A, While I applaud you wanting to teaching your child how to read, 4 might be a wee bit too early. Might not, mind you, but don't […]

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“Cheap school supplies coupons?”

From the mailbag: "Dear MamaBear, School is starting soon!  I have 6 children; do you know where I can get cheap school supplies? Thanks, Rob" Dear Rob, MamaBear loves cheap!  Anything that saves money and does the trick is a Very Good Thing indeed. Off the top of me head, I'd recommend: Your local dollar […]

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“Doesn’t like my meals”

From the mailbag: "Dear MamaBear, My 10 year old son doesn't like what I make, and refuses to eat.  I have to make special food for him!  How can I stop this practice? Sincerely, Beth from Colorado" Dear BfC, How's this for an idea? Let your kid starve. Actually, I'm serious.  Missing one meal won't […]

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“How can birds stand on electric wires?”

From the mailbag: "Dear Mama Bear, My 7 year old learned all about safety outside regarding wires and stuff like that. Being a curious kid, he then asked, if wires carry electricity, why can birds stand on them? Do you know? Thanks, Gerald" Dear G, Love the fact your kid asks questions like this!  It's […]

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