Free Lined Paper!
Does your kid ever run out of paper? Did you know you can print lined paper for free? HB2 just finished choosing to do a half-buttocked performance on his kitchen chores, so MamaBear decided that a useful consequence would be to write these three paragraphs. What he did wrong. Why he chose to do it […]
Math Stories Rock or Making Your Child Love Math
Y'know, one of the very best skills any child can possess these days is math. And MamaBear ain't just talking 'bout memorizing rote mathematics! Heck, that's sheer memory power and, while very good to internalize, doesn't begin to touch upon the *real* benefit to mathematics. And that is… Turning real-life stories into useful math. What […]
5 Big Huge Minds – Wondrous Creative Writing Story Prompts for Your Kids
What do *you* think of when you consider creative writing for your children? If there's one thing MamaBear loves, it teaching her cubs how to let their imaginations fly away like glorious eagles soaring on the windswept plains of the sparkly rainbow-hued grasslands where pink ponies gleefully frolicked about and…. fantastically free birdies on wings […]