Mama Bear
Sports Dads – Day 2 of the 5 Days of Fathers Day!
>Yawn< >Stretch< >Coffee?< So nice to see you here today! Today is Day 2 of the 5 Days of Fathers Day, and MamaBear is going to write about something she's utterly clueless…. Sports! Yes indeed, MamaBear *knows* the only real sport these days is Marching Band, and with HD1's high school not even daring to […]
RANT – Disgustingly obese kids and their parents Part 1
Morning! Today's rant is a very personal one that's near and dear to MamaBear's heart. It focuses upon disgustingly obese kids and their hugely fat parents. Now, before you get all politically correct on me and trumpet, "…Yet another case of fat-bashing by a cardio beach bunny mother who flings herself into 37 hours of […]
Why Dinosaurs Make Lousy Pets
Funny thing…my folks told me kinda sorta the same thing when I wanted a pet…. 🙂 Click above to see the entire comic!
“Should I get my baby’s ears pierced?”
From the mailbag: "Dear MamaBear, I'm going to have a baby girl in a few months! My mother-in-law assumes that I'm going to have her ears pierced but honestly, I'm wondering about it. Do you think I should? Sincerely, Cathy in Delaware" Dear CiD, What MamaBear thinks is irrelevant when it comes to your family! […]
Home Theater Dads – Day 1 of the 5 Days of Fathers Day!
Father's Day! It's this Sunday! And in honor of that, I'd like to start a week-long series on the 5 Days of Father's Day! Ready? And here' we go! Today, I'd like to focus on the best gifts to get Home Theater Dad on Father's Day. Now, I have a fond appreciation for Home Theater; […]
Alarmingly Awesome Adventures of the AnimeNext Convention Mom!
All together now… I *survived!* Yes indeed, MamaBear managed to rouse her several-centuries of wisdom and existence and survive from Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon…. The 2011 AnimeNext Convention! Now, I'm sure you're all wondering what the highlight of that gala event was. Wonder no more, gentle reader, here it is! Yes, on the last […]
Kids Weapons – A True Karate Master of the Bo-Staff!
So many great things you can do with a bo…. Click on the comic above to see it all!
Introducing Pocky Pig!
The background – we just got back from the Anime convention, and HD2 found a new friend… So of course, HD2 incorporated him into today's comic!
Protected: The Mama Bear Guide To Happily Engaging Your Audience (and it’s free!)
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.