Mama Bear
Gourmet Chef Dads – Day 4 of the 5 Days of Fathers Day!
Today is day 4 of the 5 Days of Fathers Day…. and MamaBear thinks a perfectly peachy way to celebrate that is to embrace: Gourmet Chef Dad Extraordinare! I will confess, I have a definitive fondness for Gourmet Chef Dad, as for the past year or so, I've been happily exploring the land of awesomely […]
Parenting Experts Are Horribly Worthless EXCEPT when…
Admit it, you've always had this burning question blazing in your neurons when you've finally managed to get all of your cubs happily sleeping (ie, their energy level switched to the blessed "OFF" position!). I mean, let's get serious, shall we? How many parenting experts have *you* listened to? I well-remember when HD1 was just […]
Korean Kpop Molly!
Can you tell HD2's new obsession? And if you want to know the original…..enjoy!
Secret heart to heart with Smaug LOTR
Somehow this tickles me funny bone…. Click on the comic above to see it all!
“Where do you get fuse beading supplies?”
From the mailbag: "Dear MamaBear, On your post about the anime convention, you mentioned you made bead art. My daughter was given a kit for that awhile ago, but I never knew you could really make something so large and beautiful? Where can I get the patterns and material you did? Sincerely, Joan from Long […]
Karate Dads – Day 3 of the 5 Days of Fathers Day!
Well! Today is Day 3 of the 5 Days of Fathers Day, and you know…it just wouldn't be right if I didn't include MamaBear's spouse. Which, of course, I did for Day 1. 🙂 So we'll honor instead today all of the karate dads out there! Now, when you're looking for karate-related gifts for Father's […]
How to Get Lazy Fat Overweight Kids To Exercise
Yesterday, MamaBear wrote the rather controversial post RANT – Disgustingly obese kids and their parents Part 1… and wow oh wow, her inbox was majorily unhappy indeed! Allow me too clarify my position, might I? I still do think that parents who let their children get big and fat and obese are doing a *huge* […]
Customer Service #FAIL
So reminds me of my current state of home-phoneness…. Click above to see the entire comic!
“My child must be raised Jewish but my husband is interfering.”
From the mailbag: "Dear MamaBear, I'm Jewish and my husband is Catholic. We had agreed before that our children would be raised in the Jewish faith. Well, now that our sons are old enough, he wants to take them to his church! That was never part of the bargain. How can I convince him he's […]