Mama Bear


The Coolness That Is Molly!

Wouldn't you agree?  🙂

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“Is Jesus real?”

From the mailbag: "Dear MamaBear, I'm a God-fearing Christian and my youngest child stunned me yesterday; she asked me if Jesus was real! Am I a horrible mother for raising a child who has doubts? Anonymous" Dear A, Ah. Organized religion. The bane of MamaBear's existence. I confess; whenever asked about God or Jesus or […]

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Gentle Effective Way To Help Your Child Learn Empathy

If there's one thing MamaBear hates regarding her fellow human beans, it's how sooo many of them will never step up to the plate for their friends unless proactively asked (and sometimes, even then). Think about it.  Have you ever been so distraught and so overwrought with issues and challenges that taking a long walk […]

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Week 4, Day 1 – Camp Ling! New math!

What a weekend. My gosh, what…a…..weekend. Parenting, it's a hero's journey!   Not only that, but so is keeping everything else afloat in one's family. Sometimes, you know, it's tough being the strongest person around and wow, it would be so nice to be able to have someone proactively step in to offer empathy. Which is […]

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The ultimate customer service training!

Love it! Click on the comic above to see it all!

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KFC and Molly!

We had Kentucky Fried Chicken over the weekend, which inspired….this.  🙂 Here's the original.

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RANT- Teach your kids…tomorrow might be too late

MamaBear is feeling pretty meh right now. People just always seem to want to take the lazy way out, y'know? Perhaps it's just that I'm the middle of my cycle.  Who knows? Anywhos, I had a discussion with a good friend of mine a few days ago, and was told the following. "My son has […]

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“How can I get my kids to exercise in this heat?”

From the mailbag: "Dear MamaBear, My town is in a heat wave, and all my kids want to do is stay inside and marinate. How can I get them to exercise in all this heat? Sincerely, Tim in Delaware" Dear TiD, You're having a heatwave too? Over here in MamaBearLand, it's beyond brutal, so I […]

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RANT – How to teach your children to take back their power

Ever wish your child was powerful beyond all imagining? Ever want your children to be able to handle everything life throws at them…and more? If so, MamaBear has the ultimate solution for them! And it's this. Teach your children that the only person she or he can rely upon (besides you)…are themselves. It will save […]

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The Ultimate Dream NOT Marketed by Telemarketers!

Can I have one too!? Click on the comic above to see it all!

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