Mama Bear


How To Talk To Your Kids So They Actually *Listen*

Have you ever wished your kids would truly listen to what you have to share? It can be tougher than moving the Pyramids with chopsticks! But…one thing MamaBear has found out – it's most doable indeed. And here's how. Listen to your kids *first*. While true, we *are* the parents and children *should* listen unquestioningly […]

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Square Peg in a Round Hole

Tell Your Children Today…

That every single misstep… is one step closer to their goals. Thus speaks…MamaBear

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Man’s Best Friend….*not*

Wonder how many dogs think this…. Click above to see the entire comic!

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Molly on Hiatus!

Due to school starting next month, HD2 has decided to let Molly take a well-earned vacation and start up again in the future. She hopes you enjoyed her adventures!

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“How can I get my 11 year old to clean her room?”

From the mailbag: "Dear Mama Bear, My 11 year old is a slob.  If I let her, her room would be declared a disaster area by local news stations. How can I motivate her to clean it? Sincerely, Frustrated" Dear Frustrated, Oh wow, does MamaBear hear you!! It's been MamaBear's experience that unless: Your child […]

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RANT – Teach your kids to stand 6’4″ tall when they’re 5’3.5″ short and being bullied

Fear. It sucks. It sucks worse if your kids have it. It sucks the most if, when faced with bullies, your kids pathetically wilt in fear and mentally crumple to the ground. Which is why you should raise them with the following MamaBear technique. Role-play scary situations with them. I was vividly reminded of this […]

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Not exactly teamwork….

Ideally, not what HS1 and HS2 will do.  🙂 Click on the comic above to see it all!

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Giving your kids the precious gift of failure

Ever watch your kids fail? It sure is tough indeed! But one thing I've learned…is that if I make life easy for my children, they never learn to deal with failure's despair….and turn that into a future success. I was reminded of this ya few days ago when I heard HS1 and HS2 play chess in the […]

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True Star Trek Marriage

K'plah! Click on the comic above to see it all!

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Teach your children about the importance of porcelain unicorns

Last week, I came across this rather awesome video. As you can imagine, it touched MamaBear's heart bigtime. And inspired the following question. How strong is your child's character? It's all very well and good to raise your kids to know the difference between right and wrong. But tell me now, and tell me seriously. […]

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