As well as being MamaBear, I'm also a rather well-seasoned marketer for the past 14 years!
Enjoy today's business posts below. 🙂

Good morning! You know one thing that's guaranteed to frost my petunias these days? It's when complete strangers approach me in an aggressive manner and expect me to dash to their rescue. Given my past week, it's a miracle that I'm still open and helpful (you might remember that a few days ago, I was […]
Sometimes…we write really tremendous, incredibly insightful, magnificently thought-provoking, wondrously glorious, insanely stellar, astonishingly spectacular, strikingly breathtaking (you get the idea right)…. Posts….

Gotta love the past… Grow strong, Barbara Ling ps –

Ever want to know what are the bestselling point and shoot 35 MM cameras? And even better, ever want to make money from them? Wonder no more!…
Unclaimed Fanpage Goldmine Benefits: Shows you how to find local businesses that have not yet claimed their own Facebook Fanpage, enabling you to alert them and offer to create a Facebook Fanpage for them. Includes Direct Sales letters, Postcard designs, 4 Step-by-step videos, more. It’s an excellent way to get local businesses’ attention about how […]
Massive PLR Sellout Sale Benefits: Gives you: 10 Product Ecover Graphics To Start Creating Your Own UNIQUE Ecovers Advertising Banners (PHOTOSHOP LAYERED FILES FOR EASY EDITING) ***** WordPress Themes ***** ***** Site Templates ***** ***** PLR PACKS ***** (With Resell License) ***** Ebooks ***** (With PLR License) ***** WordPress Plugins ***** MORE! You can customize […]

Warrior Forum Sortable WSO List Benefits: Lets you sort through over 20,000 WSOs in by thread title, thread starter and more. It makes it easier to zoom in on specific marketing topics. You can also sort by view, meaning really great WSOs that are still valid from the past will now be at your fingertips. […]
Parent powerfully,
— MamaBear