>Yawn< >Stretch< >Argh<
Why hello there!
Did you know that it's….Monday?
And you know what that means, right?
It means it's time for procrastinating what you absolutely need to do (read: add the newsletter dropdown to your website) and instead, give free rein to your utterly insane creativity and whine about it instead!
So for today's diehard effort at *not* finishing my requirements, I present to you –
5 Universal Rules About Monday Mornings.
Rule #5.) Right before releasing your cool nifty blog post or freebie, you'll realize….
The graphics that will catch the eye and engage the heart and cause your readers to clamor, "Lemmee sign up NOW!"….
They're non-existent.
So then you'll fire up Photoshop or GIMP and realize:
Rule #4.) Because you just upgraded your software, you lost all of your graphics scripts.
Then you'll pause and wonder if it's worthwhile taking a hammer to your monitor.
You'll decide "no" and instead, do 50 karate kicks in place, all the while *imagining* it's your computer monitor that's receiving your awesome feet of fury.
Hang on, I need to do that meself….back in a sec.
Okay I'm back!
Next, you'll smash face-first into the fact that:
Rule #3.) That adorable picture from 2002 of your 1 year old son at the computer monitor – it donned on a cloak of invisibility!
3 years, 4 months and 25 days will pass until you finally uncover it in hiding in the obscure directory you had dedicated to protein bar recipes.
However, once you do find it, you finally move to:
Rule #2.) Your Photoshop or GIMP will crash right before you save the final copy.
I mean, why would it stay up?
But through your incredible perseverance, you'll eventually end up with something utterly magnificent like:
And life will be more joyful than a never-ending supply of gourmet coffee until you realize:
Rule #1.) You have to (gasp!) hack your site to tie everything in.
Since I'm not using aWeber for my newsletter, I have to hard-code in the dropdown signup script.
It's the soul-searing delight that you find at Dropin Content Version 2!
And I'm just toooooo exhausted to gird me loins and get it up!
Hence this post of massive wahhingness.
Hopefully by tomorrow everything will be operational…..do feel free to fax over any sympathy you'd like.
Parent powerfully,
— MamaBear