
Smashing Entrepreneurial Posts – 8/22/11

As well as being Mama Bear, I'm also a well-seasoned online entrepreneur veteran of 14+ years!

Enjoy my business posts below.

How to BOLDLY customize “Error Establishing a Database Connection” warning message

If you run WordPress for your site, chances are that every now and then, the following delightful message shows up. "Error Establishing a Database Connection!" Gosh, I hate that, don't you? Well, given that not everyone knows you can reload a page and possibly grab that connection back, *my* site says: Neat, eh?…

Gift Basket Affiliate Marketing

Ever wonder what the most wished for gift baskets are these days? And more importantly, ever wonder how you can make money from this? Enjoy the data below…and then scroll down to see how you can add this (and more!) to your own site (notice they all have my own Amazon Affiliate ID…


Promise Yourself Today – Sexiness

Sometimes, our products are about as sexy to our customers as dried toenail fungus slathered on burnt toast. The thing is, though, we still want them to *buy*! Today, promise yourself that you'll take a long hard look at the benefits of what you're selling…

Ling Sad Law of Marketing #88 – Nothing is ever TOO obvious…

Sad but true, eh?..

Grade requirements of politicians



2011 08 22MPP019 GovTX Grade requirements of politicians

Parent powerfully,

— MamaBear

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“Where can I find anti-bullying help?”