Last Saturday, the world lost an angel and the afterlife gained a guardian angel.
Lincoln High, a fellow sword student, died in a freak accident when he lost his footing at Bushkill Falls and fell.
You can read more at:
- Bel Air teenager and recent Harford Tech graduate dies in fall in Pennsylvania
- Eyewitnesses recall tragedy at Bushkill Falls
Now, I didn't really know Lincoln very well, but his father was our sword Sensei for almost two years. And during that time, the High family (Sensei High, Lincoln and Kat) touched the lives of my fellow students in ways that will stay with us forever.
I vividly remember the first time Sensei High scheduled beach training for us. We all met at the Jersey Shore at around 4am and as the sun rose, we practiced our katas on the beach and eventually strode out into the ocean to continue our drills.
In a nutshell, it was freakin' awesome as you can see below:
Lincoln is on the right above.
Lincoln is on the left.
Alas, Sensei High and his family did move over a year ago, but the memories still linger. And yes, while we have had beach training again on our own….it simply was not the same.
- You can see the entire set of Lincoln dojo pix here.
- And you can see the memorial page for Lincoln here.
Sensei High moved his family down to Maryland. And last Sunday, we all found out about the tragedy that claimed Lincoln's life.
It's just plain…inconceivable.
On Friday, I bundled my family into the Moose Mobile and we drove down to Maryland for the 2-4 memorial….our fellow students came to the 6-8. And the one thing I really noticed beyond any shadow of a doubt was:
Lincoln High touched the lives of thousands people…and all of these people were just plain "better" for knowing him.
In other words…
Lincoln did what was right. Zany, friendly, and always willing to say "Hi!" to anyone, Lincoln exuded a warmth and love that was genuine beyond belief! Honestly, you just don't get people like that who are willing to stand up say, "Hey! This is me! And I'm thrilled to be…me!" He never let other people squash down his friendly nature…and the very way he chose to live his life….touched others in a beautifully positive way indeed.
- Which brings me to one of the points of this post.
As I was sitting in the vast auditorium, watching the parade of Lincoln photos and seeing the never-ending line of people who were paying their respects, I realized:
You never do know when your time is up on this planet…
And when you do die, your legacy should be the following.
You have *made a difference* in the lives of the people you have touched.
In other words…
- Do you look out for your friends?
- Do you look out for your friends of friends?
- Do you make a stand against the crowd when the crowd is wrong?
- Do you shed your ego in order to do the right thing?
- Do you go the extra mile for the people you love?
Lincoln did that…..beyond all mortal comprehension.
I'll write more about this next week, mind you, but for now, all I'd like to say is:
"Rest in peace, Lincoln. Your existence simply made the world a *better* place for thousands of people."
And after the memorial, here's what appeared over the church.
Totally awesome beyond imagining.
On 8/24/11, there will be a memorial event at your local TGIFs (Lincoln had worked there). You can learn more here – to wit:
Lincoln loves looking classy. So in his memory, I propose that wherever you are, get together with some friends on his birthday and dress up. Look your best. IF you do not have formal attire, it's not a problem. Come as you are or how you want to dress. Lincoln won't judge you by the way you dress… but you already know that.
And go to TGI Fridays, since that's where he worked and loved it so much.
Please invite as many people as you can ♥ Thank you all so much for everything.
NOTE: Whether in Kansas, New Jersey, Texas, Maryland or anywhere else, it does not matter. You don't have to come to the Fridays where he worked at here in Maryland. Any Fridays is fine. Just go to the one easiest for you. And you don't have to go at 6. You can go at any time during the day when Fridays is open. You can go by yourself or with a group of friends.
**Please tell the manager why you are there. And take photos to post on FB!**
And you can pick up a coupon for $5 off for a food purchase of $15 or more here.
In closing, the world lost a truly incredible person. And then some.
Lincoln, my family and I have been privileged to know you – you are truly one awesome guy.
Parent powerfully,
— MamaBear